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Leslie J. Savage Library

Leslie J. Savage Library: Linking to Library Resources

Video tutorials from the Library


Basic Information & Rules

Proxy Information

  • “A proxy server…acts as an intermediary between…a computer, and another server from which a user or client is requesting a service.” (from
  • All our subscription-based electronic resources funnel through a proxy server in order to authenticate our subscription terms.
  • When off-campus, a Western student, faculty, or staff member needs to enter their network login information in order to authenticate. This is done through the proxy server.
  • Proxy server information must be included in the link or embed code in order to allow for this.
  • If no proxy information is included, patrons will be blocked from accessing the resources and may even see a “purchase” option.

Western's Proxy Prefix:

  • Make sure this prefix is included on any link you share with others.
  • Proxy is “hidden” on-campus. It is bypassed because you are already on the network.
  • The links provided by databases while on-campus usually do not show the proxy prefix. You’ll need to add the prefix to make the links work properly off-campus.

Look for:

  • Permalink
  • Permanent
  • Persistent
  • Stable
  • Static
  • Bookmark
  • Share
  • Embed
  • Link icon
     chain link icon
  • Embed icon
    Embed icon

Link to an Entire Database

  1. Go to our Database Finder (linked below):
    • Find the database to which you would like to link.
    • Only subscription-based databases require proxy. Look for the W icon:
      Western W logo
    • Right click on the database name.
    • Select “Copy Link Address”.
    • This link contains the proxy prefix and will allow other Western-affiliated persons to access the database off-campus.
    • Also remember that URLs found in the browser address bar are often “session-based” – they are temporary and will not work later. In most cases, you will avoid these URLs.
    • There are some exceptions. I will point them out later in this PowerPoint.
  2. You may also link to the Database Finder ( The link in the address bar in the browser is a stable link and does not require proxy. You may also filter the Databse Finder and link to the filtered list (example: Chemistry databases:

Link to an Article Abstract

It is important to note that you will not link to the PDF full-text of an article found in a subscription database. You will link to the abstract page.​

Hufford, J.R. (2017, Oct.). Librarians as mentors in an undergraduate research program. Journal of Library Administration, 57(7), 776-788. doi:10.1080/01930826.2017.1350080

Embedding Media

  • “Embedding” means media (i.e. a video) is displayed on a website other than the website that hosts the media.
  • Embedded media is occasionally not readable by screen readers, which may create accessibility issues. Be sure to also provide a direct hyperlink to an embedded media item. (See example below)


Example of an embedded video with a link:

Video Link: Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto Grosso in d minor, Op. 3, No. 11

Embedded video:

Electronic Resources Coordinator

Profile Photo
Tristan Buss
Room 114, Savage Library
(970) 943-2054

Contact a Librarian

  • Tiffanie Wick is our Electronic Resources Librarian and is always happy to help you obtain the right links. Feel free to reach out to her to request the proper links for your selected resources.
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