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Leslie J. Savage Library

ENG 102 - Writing and Rhetoric I: ENG 102

ENG 102

Class Guide: Resources for Research

Search Tips

  • Search for the keywords you found in your text. See if there are any subjects in the search that correlate with your keywords.
  • Use quotes when searching phrases.
  • Do not search full sentences - leave out articles (the, and, for, in... etc).  Just search for the major keywords.
  • Build on your searches - piece by piece
  • If your keyword is too broad, think about subtopics instead. Example: Instead of searching for "essential programs", think about what programs would be included in that category: health, vocational, etc. Search for those topics instead.
  • Alternatively, if your keyword is too narrow, think about broader terms. Instead of Alzheimer's, you could try dementia, since Alzheimer's is a type of dementia.
  • Ask your friendly librarian for help! We are happy to assist you in your research. :)

Reference Sources


News Sources

  • Go to MEDIA BIAS and select "Media Bias Ratings".
  • Then, scroll down and choose "Center" under "News Source Bias" (to find only sources that try to report facts with no lean or bias).
  • Click on the title of the news source to learn more about the news source and the reason for the rating.
  • Find a news source you like? You can search for it in our Journal Finder (linked in the header of Western OneSearch).

Films & Ted Talks


Profile Photo
Emma Schmidtke
she / her / hers
Room 210, Savage Library
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