As faculty, you assess textbooks against a set of criteria that reflects your long experience and knowledge of student needs. The same process applies with Open Textbooks with a few additional considerations.
- Accuracy of material
- Richness
- Depth and breadth
- Timeliness
- Cultural context
- Writing quality and tone
- Reading level
- Organization
- Visual presentation
- Hierarchy of information
- Collateral materials
Additional Criteria
- Accessibility online - are the textbook web pages accessible (font, contrast, size)?
- Production options - is the book available in more than one format (printed, bound, PDF)?
- Platform compatibility - is the textbook viewable and usable on MAC and PC?
- Delivery options - is a bound copy available at a very low price and is the campus bookstore be able and willing to carry the printed version?
- Interactivity - if the online version includes interactive software or multi-media files, are they accessible and cross platform?
- Consistency - are the online and printed versions comparable in organization and general appearance?
- Collateral material - if there are test banks, interactives, or other enrichment materials, are they in an accessible, usable format? Are these free/inexpensive for instructors and students?