Lois Borland Collection: Series 1, Box 1, Files 26-50
File 27 - FORT RILEY
File 28 - GENERAL HISTORY (1 of 3) File 29 - GENERAL HISTORY (2 of 3)
File 30 - GENERAL HISTORY (3 of 3)
File 31 - GOTHIC (1 of 2)
File 32 – GOTHIC (2 of 2)
File 33 - GUNNISON, CO
File 34 - GUNNISON, JOHN (1 of 6)
File 35 - GUNNISON, JOHN (2 of 6)
File 36 - GUNNISON, JOHN (3 of 6)
File 37 - GUNNISON, JOHN (4 of 6)
File 38 - GUNNISON, JOHN (5 of 6)
File 39 - GUNNISON, JOHN (6 of 6)
File 44 - HOTELS
File 45 - INDIVIDUALS (1 of 4)
File 46 - INDIVIDUALS (2 of 4)
File 47 - INDIVIDUALS (3 of 4)
File 48 - INDIVIDUALS (4 of 4)
File 49 - IRWIN (1 of 4)
File 50 - IRWIN (2 of 4)
Clippings: |
“Fire Company Number 1.” Gunnison Daily News Democrat. January 14, 1882. (handwritten copy) |
“Old Fire Company Disbanded.” Gunnison Daily Review. January 16, 1882. (handwritten copy) |
“Odd-fellows Celebrate 75th Anniversary Here Saturday.” September 1956. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Lodge No. 39 (and other organizations).” typed notes. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Fort Riley History.” typed manuscript. (five pages-three copies) |
Clippings: |
“Famous Gunman and His Gang Were Early-day Characters In Town of Gunnison, Life Story of Wyatt Earp was Filmed.” Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican. July 20, 1939. (typed article) |
“Walsh-Yard Murder Incidents I Remember.” February 1, 1941. (typed page) |
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
McCanne, D. J. “Musical Events of Early Days in Gunnison.” May 12, 1938. |
McCanne, D. J. “Historical Series by Mr. McCanne.” Gunnison News-Champion. May 12, 1939. (ten typed pages – two copies) |
“Gunnison Has in 1885.” November 30, 1939. |
Borland, Lois. “Gunnison in the Lurid 80’s.” August 12, 1943. (two copies) |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Black Canon Magic.” (eleven pages) |
Sale of La Veta Hotel items. (one page) |
Various notes. [including: The Gunnison Colony 1873, Musical Events of Early Days in Gunnison]. |
Booklets: |
“City of Gunnison Municipal HOME RULE CHARTER 1.”1963. |
Clippings: |
Root, Frank. “History of Gunnison by Frank Root.” August 7, 1880. (two copies) |
Clippings: Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
Phillips, J. E. “Historical Notes About Pioneer Ranch Families Of the Gunnison Region.” February 9, 1939. |
“There Were Telephones in those Days.” May 4, 1944. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Handwritten notes. Cemetery. |
Various notes.[including: “The Name Gunnison.”] |
Booklets: |
“A Romance of Gunnison Country – In Seven Chapters.” 1883-84. |
Clippings: |
Sills, Carlton T. “Gunnison County, Land, of Pioneer Romance and Present Day Opportunities.” |
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
Casey, Pearle R. “Romantic History of Gunnison County As Told by Pearle R. Casey In 1938 Colorado Who’s Who.” July 20, 1939. |
Clarke, Ray. “‘Pathfinders Of Colorado’ Given eloquent Tribute By Ray Clarke.” March 21, 1940. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“1880 Notes from newspapers.” [including: Church, Kelley, Parks and Ender, Newspapers, school, Ute, stage, saloon, Burbon, Moses & Bro, Blackstock, Brick, J. R. Hinkle, Krueger Store, and Scott.] |
“Assorted Notes.” [including Mason, Horserace, Ladies, and more.] |
“Dates.” [lists of past event dates in Gunnison.] |
“Notes on Buildings in Gunnison.” (four pages) |
Clippings: |
“The Man Who Stayed.” Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican. July 20, 1939. (typed copy) |
Wallace. “McKee Gives Graphic Gothic History Antedating Gunnison.” Gunnison News-Champion. December 9, 1948. |
“Biological Lab At Gothic Completes Summer Session.” 1956. |
Judd, Garwood H. [as told to George Hetherington.] “The Sheep that Liked Beer.” Denver Post - Empire Magazine. |
Phillips, J. E. “Gothic In Its Boom Days Is Described by J. E. Phillips.” Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican. |
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
Phillips, J. E. “Inside Stuff About Pioneer Life in Gothic and Irwin.” |
Miscellaneous: |
Announcement of G. H. Judd’s Funeral |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Assorted Notes.” |
Betty Wallace. “McKee Gives Graphic Gothic History Antedating Gunnison.” typed manuscript. (ten pages) |
Borland, Lois. “Mountain Moods.” typed manuscript. (seven pages) |
Borland, Lois. “Some Friends of Mine.” typed manuscript. (eight pages) |
Garwood H. Judd. [as told to George Hetherington.] “The Sheep that Liked Beer.” typed manuscript. (ten pages-two copies) |
“Gothic.” handwritten manuscript and notes. |
Phillips, J. E. “Gothic In Its Boom Days Is Described by J. E. Phillips.” typed manuscript. (five pages-two copies) |
Clippings: |
[New Company]. The Lake City Silver World. January 27, 1877. |
“Public Surveys Needed.” The Gunnison Review. May 15, 1880. |
“W. Gunnison [four weeks old].” The Gunnison Review. June 5, 1880. |
“W. Gunnison [New hotel].” The Gunnison Review. June 5, 1880. |
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. June 15, 1880. |
“Gunnison [Transportation].” The Gunnison Review. June 15, 1880. |
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. June 26, 1880. |
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. July 3, 1880. |
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. July 21, 1880. |
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. July 24, 1880. |
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison News. August 7, 1880. |
“Gunnison [The Democrat].” The Gunnison News. August 7, 1880. |
“Gunnison [School].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880. |
“Gunnison [U.S. Grant].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880. |
“Gunnison [Clark].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880. |
“Gunnison [Fayer].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880. |
“Gunnison [Tinguely].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880. |
“Gunnison [Tobie].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880. |
“Gunnison and W. Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880. |
“Personals.” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880. |
[Article regarding the Gunnison Valley towns]. The Gunnison Review. August 21, 1880. |
“Gunnison.” The White Pine Journal. May 26, 1881. |
[Excerpt about F.M. Immell, John Kelley, and Joesph Marsh]. The Gunnison Review. October 17, 1881. |
“Gunnison [Richardson].” The Gunnison Review. October 17, 1881. |
“Married.” The Gunnison Review. October 17, 1881. |
“Sad Accident.” The Gunnison Review. October 17, 1881. |
“The Bank of Gunnison.” May 22, 1882. |
“Gunnison.” The Gothic Silver Record. June 24, 1882. |
“Gunnison [Denver mining].” The Gunnison Review. July 6, 1882. |
“Gunnison [never rains].” The Gunnison Review. July 6, 1882. |
“Gov. Pitkin.” The Gunnison Review. July 11, 1882. |
“Fort Collins Water Ditches.” The Gunnison Review-Press. December 19, 1882. |
“Gunnison [S.Q.L.].” The Tomichi Herald. February 14, 1885. |
“Gunnison [Mullowney].” The Tomichi Herald. February 14, 1885. |
“Almont.” The Colorado Business Directory. 1885. |
“Gunnison.” The Hyde Topics. May 29, 1886. |
“Gunnison Review Press says.” The Rosita Index. October 28, 1886. |
“Gunnison City.” The Denver Journal of Commerce. August 5, 1886. |
“Home from Honolulu.” The Glenwood Post. April 1, 1905. |
“Snyder Organizes Gunnison School.” Greeley Daily Tribune. February 10, 1910. |
“The Gunnison Gorge Should Remain.” [Post]. July 15, [19]69. |
Correspondence: |
Stokes, Julia- The StateHistorical Society of Colorado to L.F. Twitchall. September 9, 1935. Re: Place names of Colorado |
Steele, John A.- The First National Bank to Julia Stokes. September 24, 1935. Re: Place names of Colorado response |
Miscellaneous |
List of Gunnison County Post Offices. ,i>Colorado Postal Directory. |
Copy of “Postal News” for various dates. (two pages) |
Reports: |
Gunnison, Captain J. W. “Report of Exploration for a Route for the Pacific Railroad.” [copy of p.1-67] |
Reports: |
Gunnison, Captain J. W. “Report of Exploration for a Route for the Pacific Railroad.” [copy of p.68-130] |
Clippings: |
“Genealogy of Descendents of Hugh Gunnison of Boston, Mass., covering the period of 1610 to 1873.” Geo. Foxcraft. 1880. (two pages with two pages of notes) |
Richardson, Sylvester. “Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. October 12, 1881. (two copies) |
“Gunnison Memorial Tablet to Be Dedicated Pioneer Day, July 17.” June 26, 1947. |
“Monument Dedicated Next Thursday, July 17.” July10, 1947. |
“Captain John W. Gunnison Traverses this Area 94 Years Ago With 16 Wagon Train.” Gunnison News-Champion. July 17, 1947. |
Herrick, David. “The Gunnison Story” Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine. July 27, 1947. (several copies) |
Mumey, Nolle. “Captain John Gunnison Doubted Feasibility of Railroad Here.” Gunnison Courier. March 7, 1954. ( two copies) |
“Letter to Paper Gave Details of Death of Captain Gunnison.” |
Clippings - Reprints of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
“He Knew Captain John W. Gunnison.” July 18, 1946. |
Correspondence: |
Beckwith, Lt. E. G. to mother. June 12, 1853. [copy of letter in Huntington Library] |
Bergin, Wm. E. -Deptartment of the Army, to Lois Borland. July 23, 1953. Re: request for information on E. G. Beckwith. [with attached manuscript “Military Career of Edward G. Beckwith.”] |
O’Neill, Genevieve to Lois Borland. February 19, 1954. |
Humphreys, A. A.- War Department, to Mrs. Gunnison. Re: transmittal of “Reports for Railroad Route…” |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Mormons – His history of.” (handwritten notes) |
“Notes on Capt. Gunnison.” handwritten notes. (three pages) |
“St. Mary’s.” (one page) |
Pictures: |
“Gunnison Monument.” |
Borland, Lois. “The Los Pinos Agency, Cochetopa and the Sale of the San Juan.” Colorado Magazine. April, 1951. typed manuscript. [second copy]. (thirty-six pages) |
Clippings: |
“He Knew Capt. J. W. Gunnison.” Gunnison News-Champion. May 23, 1946. |
“Gunnison Memorial.” Gunnison Courier. September 10, 1953. |
“Mumey, Nolie. “When Did the Gunnison River Get Its Name.” Rocky Mountain News. January 23, 1955. |
Samuel Gunnison Oil Portrait Discovered in Eastern Attic.” Gunnison News-Champion, December 13, 1951. |
“Captain John W. Gunnison.” |
Nelson, W. R., “Gleanings From Our Early History.” |
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
“Two Captain Gunnisons Serve Country and Bulk Large in History of Our Region.” August 26, 1943. |
Correspondence: |
O’Neill, Genevieve to Lois Borland. November 21, 1953. |
Borland, Lois to Chamber of Commerce – Goshen, New Hampshire. March 5, 1954. |
O’Neill, Genevieve to Lois Borland. June 27, 1954. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“From Memorials of the Grand River Valley.” March 16, 1954. (two pages) |
Booth, Andrew G. “Notes on Biography of Captain John W. Gunnison, formerly 1st Lieut. Of the U. S. A.” |
“Gunnison’s Relatives.” handwritten notes. (four pages) |
“Sketch by Hon. L. D. Bailey.” typed manuscript. (one page) |
“Notes on Gunnison’s Genealogy.” assorted handwritten notes. (nine pages) |
“On the Maternal Side.” typed page. (two copies) |
Clippings: |
“New WSC Apartment Named Beckwith Hall.” |
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
“Ancestry of the Gunnison Family told in Swedish Magazine.” August 31, 1944. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Captain John W. Gunnison.” typed manuscript. (nine pages) |
“Instructions from the War Department.” typed manuscript. (nine pages) |
Notes from “Report of Exploration for a Route for the Pacific Railroad.” (seventeen pages) |
Untitled manuscript about John Gunnison. (twenty-two pages) |
Booth, Andrew G. “Notes on Biography of Captain John W. Gunnison, formerly 1st Lieut. Of the U. S. A.”
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Typed copy “Gunnison to the Grand.” Gunnison Daily Review. April 6, 1882. |
“Gunnison County.” [notes on points on main highways.] |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Crossing the Gunnison” handwritten manuscript. (three pages) |
Excerpt from unknown typed manuscript. (four pages) |
Handwritten notes. (three pages.) |
“It was the Hon. William Gilpin, Governor…..” handwritten manuscript. (two pages) |
“The Kingdom of Gunnison.” typed manuscript. (ten pages) |
“When the Ranch Men ….” typed manuscript. (eight pages) |
Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
“Alonzo Hartman, Oldest Pioneer of West Slope, Dies in California.” February 15, 1940. |
McCanne, D. J. “Tribute To Memory Of Alonzo Hartman.” February 19, 1940. |
“Interesting Story Of Alonzo Hartman’s Boyhood, Told by His Daughter.” February 22, 1940. |
Phillips, J. E. “Phillips Writes of Alonzo Hartman.” February 29, 1940. |
Hartman, Alonzo. “Early Days In the Gunnison Valley.” March 7, 1940. |
Correspondence: |
Gondos, Victor - National Archives and Record Service, to Dr. Lois Borland. June 18, 1956. Re. Information about post office at Gunnison, Colorado. [established October 2, 1876 with A. Hartman as postmaster.] |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Mines, like Oil, bring….” (five pages) |
“Alonzo Hartman.” (two pages) |
Clippings: |
McCanne, D. J. “Superintend McCanne Tells How La Veta Was Buil.” Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican. February 17, 1944. |
Herrick, David, B. “The La Veta: Fallen Memorial to Optimism.” |
“La Veta Opened for Business 65 Years Ago This Month; Sunless Days Listed.” |
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
Phillips, J. E. “How B. W. Lewis Built Famed La Veta Hotel At Gunnison. His Plans For Another Pittsburgh.” September 15, 1935. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Edgerton House.” handwritten manuscript. (two pages) |
“Historic, epoch making hotel…” handwritten manuscript. (nine pages) |
“La Veta.” typed manuscript. (two pages) |
“Mullin House.” typed manuscript. (one page) |
“The Mullin House.” handwritten manuscript. (two pages) |
“No. 4.” typed manuscript. [on the Cuenin house]. (four pages) |
Various newspaper articles. |
Various notes. |
Clippings: |
Deering, M. A. “Mel Deering Relates Tales of the Seventies in Historical Review of Life on the Plain.”Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican. May 23, 1935. (several copies) |
Blackstock, J. “Gunnison Man Recalls Hazards Of Early Travel – Boat Used From Delta to Junction.” February 15, 1939. |
Deering, M. A. “We Made Savages of the Indians.” The Gunnison Courier. February 20, 1947. |
Humphreys, Ray. “Who Killed Howard Carpenter.” Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine. October 6, 1946. (two copies). |
“Mel Deering, Resident for 70 Years, Dies Suddenly Christmas.” Gunnison News Courier. January 1, 1948. |
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
Deering, M. A. “My Pioneer Experience In The West.” May 2, 1935. |
Blackstock, Joe. “Traveling To Grand Junction In A Boat Fifty-Seven Years Ago.” |
Correspondence: |
Harber, Opal - The Public Library (Denver) to Lois Borland. April 29, 1953. Re: picture of George Crawford. |
Humphreys, Ray to Lois Borland. February 1, 1954. Re: Use of Carpenter story. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Various notes on Ender. |
Various notes on Kelley. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“George Addison Crawford, founder of Grand Junction…” typed manuscript with attached notes. (ten pages-two copies) |
“George Addison Crawford.” typed manuscript. (nine pages-two copies) |
“George Addison Crawford.” handwritten notes. |
Miscellaneous: |
Treasury Department receipts from J. P. Kelley. |
Clippings: |
“Early Water and Steam Gages Recall Beginnings City Utilities.” Gunnison News-Champion. April 17, 1947. |
McCanne, D. J. “A Gunnison Builder Dies in Denver at 97 Years of Age.” Gunnison News-Champion. December 4, 1947. |
Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles: |
Phillips, J. E. “J. E. Phillips Tells of Days when Sylvanite Was Town of 5,000.” Letter. April 20, 1935. |
McCanne, D. J. “Another Chapter on Early-Day Gunnison Industries and Men.” May 12, 1938. |
McCanne, D. A. “D. J. McCanne’s Tribute to Capt. Louden Mullin. Thinks Gunnison Should Commemorate His Deeds.” May 12, 1938. |
McCanne, D. J. “McCanne Saw Body of Penney Who Was Shot In Saloon Brawl.” May 12, 1938. |
Phillips, J. E. “Early Day Mining Men of Gunnison Region, Successful in California.” June 8, 1939. |
McCanne, D. J. “D. J. McCanne Tells How He Came To Build The Gunnison Ditch.” July 27, 1939. |
McCanne, D. J. “Former Gunnison Resident Watches New-Champion Columns And Comments On Current Events.” February 1, 1940. |
Phillips, J. E. “Lifting The Veil On Secret History Of The Eighties On Western Slope.” April 10, 1941. |
Phillips, J. E. “Tunnel builder Dies at Salt Lake City.” July 24, 1941. |
Phillips, J. E. “Recollections of Early Days In Delaware and Colorado.” September 17, 1942. |
“Dean of Western Colorado Writers Pens ‘Thirty’.” March 25, 1943. [J. E. Phillips dies.] |
McCanne, D. A. “A Fourth of July Walk Over Marshall Pass in 1894.” (two copies) |
McCanne, D. J. “D. J. McCanne Writes About Smelter Failures.” |
Phillips, J. E. “Grand Junction Town Site Laid Out In 1881.” |
Correspondence: |
McCanne, D. J. to Lois Borland. March 20, 1944. |
McCanne, D. J. to Lois Borland. April 22, 1944. |
McCanne, David to Lois Borland. [postcard]. May 9, 1944. |
McCanne, D. J. to Lois Borland. October 12, 1944. |
Borland, Lois to Corinne Phillips. April 29, 1953. |
Teatsch, Lucy to Lois Borland. July 10, 1954. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Handwritten notes on various subjects. (three pages) |
“J. P. Kelley.” Handwritten note. (one page) |
Miscellaneous: |
Article of Agreement. [Outcalt and Murphy for sale of ranch]. 1879. |
Land Notice- John Outcalt. February 27, 1879. |
Homestead paper. 1889. |
Receipt from John Outcalt for homestead. 1971 |
Correspondence: |
Cole, John - Silicate Book Slate Co. to Mrs. Johnston. December 12, 1898. [letter with catalog pages]. |
Various Outcalt letters. |
Miscellaneous: |
List of provisions purchased from Riche & Meyer. |
Map of Outcalt Brother Ranch. |
Newspapers: |
Denver Tribune-Republican. May 26, 1886. [complete paper]. |
Clippings: |
“Two Days in Ruby Camp in August.” typed copy from Gunnison Review. August 21, 1880. (two copies) |
Picture of Skiers at Irwin, Gunnison County. 1883. |
Phillips, J. E. “Extremely Interesting Letter” Gunnison News-Champion. June 17, 1919. |
Wallace, Betty. “Susie Miller Came to Irwin In Boom Days of Silver Camp.” Gunnison News-Champion. February 9, 1950. |
Block, Augusta Hauck. “Louise Block Was Hospitable Irwin Matron.” Gunnison News-Champion. January 3, 1952. |
Clippings - Reprints of News-Champion Articles: |
Phillips, J. E. “Vivid Story of Early Days In Irwin Told by J. E. Phillips.” June 24, 1937. |
Manuscripts and notes: |
“Irwin.” typed manuscript. (eight pages) |
Leonard, J. J. “Silver Saga, The Story of Irwin.” typed manuscript. (six pages-two copies) |
Various notes on Irwin. |
Manuscripts and notes: |
Cornwell’s paper. (two sections, p.1-59 and p.60-105). |
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