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Lois Borland Collection: Box 1 Files 26-50


Lois Borland Collection: Series 1, Box 1, Files 26-50

Box 1, Files 26-50: Contents

File 27 - FORT RILEY
File 28 - GENERAL HISTORY (1 of 3) File 29 - GENERAL HISTORY (2 of 3)
File 30 - GENERAL HISTORY (3 of 3)
File 31 - GOTHIC (1 of 2)
File 32 – GOTHIC (2 of 2)
File 33 - GUNNISON, CO
File 34 - GUNNISON, JOHN (1 of 6)
File 35 - GUNNISON, JOHN (2 of 6)
File 36 - GUNNISON, JOHN (3 of 6)
File 37 - GUNNISON, JOHN (4 of 6)
File 38 - GUNNISON, JOHN (5 of 6)
File 39 - GUNNISON, JOHN (6 of 6)
File 44 - HOTELS
File 45 - INDIVIDUALS (1 of 4)
File 46 - INDIVIDUALS (2 of 4)
File 47 - INDIVIDUALS (3 of 4)
File 48 - INDIVIDUALS (4 of 4)
File 49 - IRWIN (1 of 4)
File 50 - IRWIN (2 of 4)


“Fire Company Number 1.” Gunnison Daily News Democrat. January 14, 1882. (handwritten copy)
“Old Fire Company Disbanded.” Gunnison Daily Review. January 16, 1882. (handwritten copy)
“Odd-fellows Celebrate 75th Anniversary Here Saturday.” September 1956.
Manuscripts and Notes:
“Lodge No. 39 (and other organizations).” typed notes.

File 27 - FORT RILEY

Manuscripts and Notes:
“Fort Riley History.” typed manuscript. (five pages-three copies)

File 28 - GENERAL HISTORY (1 of 3)

“Famous Gunman and His Gang Were Early-day Characters In Town of Gunnison, Life Story of Wyatt Earp was Filmed.” Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican. July 20, 1939. (typed article)
“Walsh-Yard Murder Incidents I Remember.” February 1, 1941. (typed page)
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
McCanne, D. J. “Musical Events of Early Days in Gunnison.” May 12, 1938.
McCanne, D. J. “Historical Series by Mr. McCanne.” Gunnison News-Champion. May 12, 1939. (ten typed pages – two copies)
“Gunnison Has in 1885.” November 30, 1939.
Borland, Lois. “Gunnison in the Lurid 80’s.” August 12, 1943. (two copies)
Manuscripts and Notes:
“Black Canon Magic.” (eleven pages)
Sale of La Veta Hotel items. (one page)
Various notes. [including: The Gunnison Colony 1873, Musical Events of Early Days in Gunnison].

File 29 - GENERAL HISTORY (2 of 3)

“City of Gunnison Municipal HOME RULE CHARTER 1.”1963.
Root, Frank. “History of Gunnison by Frank Root.” August 7, 1880. (two copies)
Clippings: Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
Phillips, J. E. “Historical Notes About Pioneer Ranch Families Of the Gunnison Region.” February 9, 1939.
“There Were Telephones in those Days.” May 4, 1944.
Manuscripts and Notes:
Handwritten notes. Cemetery.
Various notes.[including: “The Name Gunnison.”]

File 30 - GENERAL HISTORY (3 of 3)

“A Romance of Gunnison Country – In Seven Chapters.” 1883-84.
Sills, Carlton T. “Gunnison County, Land, of Pioneer Romance and Present Day Opportunities.”
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
Casey, Pearle R. “Romantic History of Gunnison County As Told by Pearle R. Casey In 1938 Colorado Who’s Who.” July 20, 1939.
Clarke, Ray. “‘Pathfinders Of Colorado’ Given eloquent Tribute By Ray Clarke.” March 21, 1940.
Manuscripts and Notes:
“1880 Notes from newspapers.” [including: Church, Kelley, Parks and Ender, Newspapers, school, Ute, stage, saloon, Burbon, Moses & Bro, Blackstock, Brick, J. R. Hinkle, Krueger Store, and Scott.]
“Assorted Notes.” [including Mason, Horserace, Ladies, and more.]
“Dates.” [lists of past event dates in Gunnison.]
“Notes on Buildings in Gunnison.” (four pages)

File 31 - GOTHIC (1 of 2)

“The Man Who Stayed.” Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican. July 20, 1939. (typed copy)
Wallace. “McKee Gives Graphic Gothic History Antedating Gunnison.” Gunnison News-Champion. December 9, 1948.
“Biological Lab At Gothic Completes Summer Session.” 1956.
Judd, Garwood H. [as told to George Hetherington.] “The Sheep that Liked Beer.” Denver Post - Empire Magazine.
Phillips, J. E. “Gothic In Its Boom Days Is Described by J. E. Phillips.” Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican.
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
Phillips, J. E. “Inside Stuff About Pioneer Life in Gothic and Irwin.”
Announcement of G. H. Judd’s Funeral

File 32 – GOTHIC (2 of 2)

Manuscripts and Notes:
“Assorted Notes.”
Betty Wallace. “McKee Gives Graphic Gothic History Antedating Gunnison.” typed manuscript. (ten pages)
Borland, Lois. “Mountain Moods.” typed manuscript. (seven pages)
Borland, Lois. “Some Friends of Mine.” typed manuscript. (eight pages)
Garwood H. Judd. [as told to George Hetherington.] “The Sheep that Liked Beer.” typed manuscript. (ten pages-two copies)
“Gothic.” handwritten manuscript and notes.
Phillips, J. E. “Gothic In Its Boom Days Is Described by J. E. Phillips.” typed manuscript. (five pages-two copies)

File 33 - GUNNISON, CO

[New Company]. The Lake City Silver World. January 27, 1877.
“Public Surveys Needed.” The Gunnison Review. May 15, 1880.
“W. Gunnison [four weeks old].” The Gunnison Review. June 5, 1880.
“W. Gunnison [New hotel].” The Gunnison Review. June 5, 1880.
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. June 15, 1880.
“Gunnison [Transportation].” The Gunnison Review. June 15, 1880.
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. June 26, 1880.
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. July 3, 1880.
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. July 21, 1880.
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. July 24, 1880.
“Gunnison.” The Gunnison News. August 7, 1880.
“Gunnison [The Democrat].” The Gunnison News. August 7, 1880.
“Gunnison [School].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880.
“Gunnison [U.S. Grant].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880.
“Gunnison [Clark].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880.
“Gunnison [Fayer].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880.
“Gunnison [Tinguely].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880.
“Gunnison [Tobie].” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880.
“Gunnison and W. Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880.
“Personals.” The Gunnison Review. August 7, 1880.
[Article regarding the Gunnison Valley towns]. The Gunnison Review. August 21, 1880.
“Gunnison.” The White Pine Journal. May 26, 1881.
[Excerpt about F.M. Immell, John Kelley, and Joesph Marsh]. The Gunnison Review. October 17, 1881.
“Gunnison [Richardson].” The Gunnison Review. October 17, 1881.
“Married.” The Gunnison Review. October 17, 1881.
“Sad Accident.” The Gunnison Review. October 17, 1881.
“The Bank of Gunnison.” May 22, 1882.
“Gunnison.” The Gothic Silver Record. June 24, 1882.
“Gunnison [Denver mining].” The Gunnison Review. July 6, 1882.
“Gunnison [never rains].” The Gunnison Review. July 6, 1882.
“Gov. Pitkin.” The Gunnison Review. July 11, 1882.
“Fort Collins Water Ditches.” The Gunnison Review-Press. December 19, 1882.
“Gunnison [S.Q.L.].” The Tomichi Herald. February 14, 1885.
“Gunnison [Mullowney].” The Tomichi Herald. February 14, 1885.
“Almont.” The Colorado Business Directory. 1885.
“Gunnison.” The Hyde Topics. May 29, 1886.
“Gunnison Review Press says.” The Rosita Index. October 28, 1886.
“Gunnison City.” The Denver Journal of Commerce. August 5, 1886.
“Home from Honolulu.” The Glenwood Post. April 1, 1905.
“Snyder Organizes Gunnison School.” Greeley Daily Tribune. February 10, 1910.
“The Gunnison Gorge Should Remain.” [Post]. July 15, [19]69.
Stokes, Julia- The StateHistorical Society of Colorado to L.F. Twitchall. September 9, 1935. Re: Place names of Colorado
Steele, John A.- The First National Bank to Julia Stokes. September 24, 1935. Re: Place names of Colorado response
List of Gunnison County Post Offices. ,i>Colorado Postal Directory.
Copy of “Postal News” for various dates. (two pages)

File 34 - GUNNISON, JOHN (1 of 6)

Gunnison, Captain J. W. “Report of Exploration for a Route for the Pacific Railroad.” [copy of p.1-67]

File 35 - GUNNISON, JOHN (2 of 6)

Gunnison, Captain J. W. “Report of Exploration for a Route for the Pacific Railroad.” [copy of p.68-130]

File 36 - GUNNISON, JOHN (3 of 6)

“Genealogy of Descendents of Hugh Gunnison of Boston, Mass., covering the period of 1610 to 1873.” Geo. Foxcraft. 1880. (two pages with two pages of notes)
Richardson, Sylvester. “Gunnison.” The Gunnison Review. October 12, 1881. (two copies)
“Gunnison Memorial Tablet to Be Dedicated Pioneer Day, July 17.” June 26, 1947.
“Monument Dedicated Next Thursday, July 17.” July10, 1947.
“Captain John W. Gunnison Traverses this Area 94 Years Ago With 16 Wagon Train.” Gunnison News-Champion. July 17, 1947.
Herrick, David. “The Gunnison Story” Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine. July 27, 1947. (several copies)
Mumey, Nolle. “Captain John Gunnison Doubted Feasibility of Railroad Here.” Gunnison Courier. March 7, 1954. ( two copies)
“Letter to Paper Gave Details of Death of Captain Gunnison.”
Clippings - Reprints of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
“He Knew Captain John W. Gunnison.” July 18, 1946.
Beckwith, Lt. E. G. to mother. June 12, 1853. [copy of letter in Huntington Library]
Bergin, Wm. E. -Deptartment of the Army, to Lois Borland. July 23, 1953. Re: request for information on E. G. Beckwith. [with attached manuscript “Military Career of Edward G. Beckwith.”]
O’Neill, Genevieve to Lois Borland. February 19, 1954.
Humphreys, A. A.- War Department, to Mrs. Gunnison. Re: transmittal of “Reports for Railroad Route…”
Manuscripts and Notes:
“Mormons – His history of.” (handwritten notes)
“Notes on Capt. Gunnison.” handwritten notes. (three pages)
“St. Mary’s.” (one page)
“Gunnison Monument.”

File 37 - GUNNISON, JOHN (4 of 6)

“Gunnison Massacre – 1853 – Millard County, Utah, - Indian Mareer’s Version of the Tragedy – 1894.” Utah Historical Quarterly. July 1928. (two copies)
Borland, Lois. “The Los Pinos Agency, Cochetopa and the Sale of the San Juan.” Colorado Magazine. April, 1951. typed manuscript. [second copy]. (thirty-six pages)

File 38 - GUNNISON, JOHN (5 of 6)

“He Knew Capt. J. W. Gunnison.” Gunnison News-Champion. May 23, 1946.
“Gunnison Memorial.” Gunnison Courier. September 10, 1953.
“Mumey, Nolie. “When Did the Gunnison River Get Its Name.” Rocky Mountain News. January 23, 1955.
Samuel Gunnison Oil Portrait Discovered in Eastern Attic.” Gunnison News-Champion, December 13, 1951.
“Captain John W. Gunnison.”
Nelson, W. R., “Gleanings From Our Early History.”
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
“Two Captain Gunnisons Serve Country and Bulk Large in History of Our Region.” August 26, 1943.
O’Neill, Genevieve to Lois Borland. November 21, 1953.
Borland, Lois to Chamber of Commerce – Goshen, New Hampshire. March 5, 1954.
O’Neill, Genevieve to Lois Borland. June 27, 1954.
Manuscripts and Notes:
“From Memorials of the Grand River Valley.” March 16, 1954. (two pages)
Booth, Andrew G. “Notes on Biography of Captain John W. Gunnison, formerly 1st Lieut. Of the U. S. A.”
“Gunnison’s Relatives.” handwritten notes. (four pages)
“Sketch by Hon. L. D. Bailey.” typed manuscript. (one page)
“Notes on Gunnison’s Genealogy.” assorted handwritten notes. (nine pages)
“On the Maternal Side.” typed page. (two copies)

File 39 - GUNNISON, JOHN (6 of 6)

“New WSC Apartment Named Beckwith Hall.”
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
“Ancestry of the Gunnison Family told in Swedish Magazine.” August 31, 1944.
Manuscripts and Notes:
“Captain John W. Gunnison.” typed manuscript. (nine pages)
“Instructions from the War Department.” typed manuscript. (nine pages)
Notes from “Report of Exploration for a Route for the Pacific Railroad.” (seventeen pages)
Untitled manuscript about John Gunnison. (twenty-two pages)


Booth, Andrew G. “Notes on Biography of Captain John W. Gunnison, formerly 1st Lieut. Of the U. S. A.”


Manuscripts and Notes:
Typed copy “Gunnison to the Grand.” Gunnison Daily Review. April 6, 1882.
“Gunnison County.” [notes on points on main highways.]


Manuscripts and Notes:
“Crossing the Gunnison” handwritten manuscript. (three pages)
Excerpt from unknown typed manuscript. (four pages)
Handwritten notes. (three pages.)
“It was the Hon. William Gilpin, Governor…..” handwritten manuscript. (two pages)
“The Kingdom of Gunnison.” typed manuscript. (ten pages)
“When the Ranch Men ….” typed manuscript. (eight pages)


Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
“Alonzo Hartman, Oldest Pioneer of West Slope, Dies in California.” February 15, 1940.
McCanne, D. J. “Tribute To Memory Of Alonzo Hartman.” February 19, 1940.
“Interesting Story Of Alonzo Hartman’s Boyhood, Told by His Daughter.” February 22, 1940.
Phillips, J. E. “Phillips Writes of Alonzo Hartman.” February 29, 1940.
Hartman, Alonzo. “Early Days In the Gunnison Valley.” March 7, 1940.
Gondos, Victor - National Archives and Record Service, to Dr. Lois Borland. June 18, 1956. Re. Information about post office at Gunnison, Colorado. [established October 2, 1876 with A. Hartman as postmaster.]
Manuscripts and Notes:
“Mines, like Oil, bring….” (five pages)
“Alonzo Hartman.” (two pages)

File 44 - HOTELS

McCanne, D. J. “Superintend McCanne Tells How La Veta Was Buil.” Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican. February 17, 1944.
Herrick, David, B. “The La Veta: Fallen Memorial to Optimism.”
“La Veta Opened for Business 65 Years Ago This Month; Sunless Days Listed.”
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
Phillips, J. E. “How B. W. Lewis Built Famed La Veta Hotel At Gunnison. His Plans For Another Pittsburgh.” September 15, 1935.
Manuscripts and Notes:
“Edgerton House.” handwritten manuscript. (two pages)
“Historic, epoch making hotel…” handwritten manuscript. (nine pages)
“La Veta.” typed manuscript. (two pages)
“Mullin House.” typed manuscript. (one page)
“The Mullin House.” handwritten manuscript. (two pages)
“No. 4.” typed manuscript. [on the Cuenin house]. (four pages)
Various newspaper articles.
Various notes.

File 45 - INDIVIDUALS (1 of 4)

Deering, M. A. “Mel Deering Relates Tales of the Seventies in Historical Review of Life on the Plain.”Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Republican. May 23, 1935. (several copies)
Blackstock, J. “Gunnison Man Recalls Hazards Of Early Travel – Boat Used From Delta to Junction.” February 15, 1939.
Deering, M. A. “We Made Savages of the Indians.” The Gunnison Courier. February 20, 1947.
Humphreys, Ray. “Who Killed Howard Carpenter.” Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine. October 6, 1946. (two copies).
“Mel Deering, Resident for 70 Years, Dies Suddenly Christmas.” Gunnison News Courier. January 1, 1948.
Clippings - Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
Deering, M. A. “My Pioneer Experience In The West.” May 2, 1935.
Blackstock, Joe. “Traveling To Grand Junction In A Boat Fifty-Seven Years Ago.”
Harber, Opal - The Public Library (Denver) to Lois Borland. April 29, 1953. Re: picture of George Crawford.
Humphreys, Ray to Lois Borland. February 1, 1954. Re: Use of Carpenter story.
Manuscripts and Notes:
Various notes on Ender.
Various notes on Kelley.

File 46 - INDIVIDUALS (2 of 4)

Manuscripts and Notes:
“George Addison Crawford, founder of Grand Junction…” typed manuscript with attached notes. (ten pages-two copies)
“George Addison Crawford.” typed manuscript. (nine pages-two copies)
“George Addison Crawford.” handwritten notes.
Treasury Department receipts from J. P. Kelley.

File 47 - INDIVIDUALS (3 of 4)

“Early Water and Steam Gages Recall Beginnings City Utilities.” Gunnison News-Champion. April 17, 1947.
McCanne, D. J. “A Gunnison Builder Dies in Denver at 97 Years of Age.” Gunnison News-Champion. December 4, 1947.
Reprint of Gunnison News-Champion Articles:
Phillips, J. E. “J. E. Phillips Tells of Days when Sylvanite Was Town of 5,000.” Letter. April 20, 1935.
McCanne, D. J. “Another Chapter on Early-Day Gunnison Industries and Men.” May 12, 1938.
McCanne, D. A. “D. J. McCanne’s Tribute to Capt. Louden Mullin. Thinks Gunnison Should Commemorate His Deeds.” May 12, 1938.
McCanne, D. J. “McCanne Saw Body of Penney Who Was Shot In Saloon Brawl.” May 12, 1938.
Phillips, J. E. “Early Day Mining Men of Gunnison Region, Successful in California.” June 8, 1939.
McCanne, D. J. “D. J. McCanne Tells How He Came To Build The Gunnison Ditch.” July 27, 1939.
McCanne, D. J. “Former Gunnison Resident Watches New-Champion Columns And Comments On Current Events.” February 1, 1940.
Phillips, J. E. “Lifting The Veil On Secret History Of The Eighties On Western Slope.” April 10, 1941.
Phillips, J. E. “Tunnel builder Dies at Salt Lake City.” July 24, 1941.
Phillips, J. E. “Recollections of Early Days In Delaware and Colorado.” September 17, 1942.
“Dean of Western Colorado Writers Pens ‘Thirty’.” March 25, 1943. [J. E. Phillips dies.]
McCanne, D. A. “A Fourth of July Walk Over Marshall Pass in 1894.” (two copies)
McCanne, D. J. “D. J. McCanne Writes About Smelter Failures.”
Phillips, J. E. “Grand Junction Town Site Laid Out In 1881.”
McCanne, D. J. to Lois Borland. March 20, 1944.
McCanne, D. J. to Lois Borland. April 22, 1944.
McCanne, David to Lois Borland. [postcard]. May 9, 1944.
McCanne, D. J. to Lois Borland. October 12, 1944.
Borland, Lois to Corinne Phillips. April 29, 1953.
Teatsch, Lucy to Lois Borland. July 10, 1954.
Manuscripts and Notes:
Handwritten notes on various subjects. (three pages)
“J. P. Kelley.” Handwritten note. (one page)
Article of Agreement. [Outcalt and Murphy for sale of ranch]. 1879.
Land Notice- John Outcalt. February 27, 1879.
Homestead paper. 1889.
Receipt from John Outcalt for homestead. 1971

File 48 - INDIVIDUALS (4 of 4)

Cole, John - Silicate Book Slate Co. to Mrs. Johnston. December 12, 1898. [letter with catalog pages].
Various Outcalt letters.
List of provisions purchased from Riche & Meyer.
Map of Outcalt Brother Ranch.
Denver Tribune-Republican. May 26, 1886. [complete paper].

File 49 - IRWIN (1 of 4)

“Two Days in Ruby Camp in August.” typed copy from Gunnison Review. August 21, 1880. (two copies)
Picture of Skiers at Irwin, Gunnison County. 1883.
Phillips, J. E. “Extremely Interesting Letter” Gunnison News-Champion. June 17, 1919.
Wallace, Betty. “Susie Miller Came to Irwin In Boom Days of Silver Camp.” Gunnison News-Champion. February 9, 1950.
Block, Augusta Hauck. “Louise Block Was Hospitable Irwin Matron.” Gunnison News-Champion. January 3, 1952.
Clippings - Reprints of News-Champion Articles:
Phillips, J. E. “Vivid Story of Early Days In Irwin Told by J. E. Phillips.” June 24, 1937.
Manuscripts and notes:
“Irwin.” typed manuscript. (eight pages)
Leonard, J. J. “Silver Saga, The Story of Irwin.” typed manuscript. (six pages-two copies)
Various notes on Irwin.

File 50 - IRWIN (2 of 4)

Manuscripts and notes:
Cornwell’s paper. (two sections, p.1-59 and p.60-105).

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