Lois Borland Collection: Series 1, Box 2, Files 26-50
File 26 - PEOPLE OF GUNNISON (4 of 4)
File 27 - PICTURES
File 28 - PITKIN
File 29 - POSTERS ( 1 of 4)
File 30 - POSTERS ( 2 of 4)
File 31 - POSTERS ( 3 of 4)
File 32 - POSTERS ( 4 of 4)
File 33 - RAILROADS ( 1 of 3)
File 34 - RAILROADS ( 2 of 3)
File 35 - RAILROADS ( 3 of 3)
File 36 - RICHARDSON, SYLVESTER ( 1 of 5)
File 37 - RICHARDSON, SYLVESTER (2 of 5)
File 38 - RICHARDSON, SYLVESTER (3 of 5)
File 39 - RICHARDSON, SYLVESTER (4 of 5)
File 40 - RICHARDSON, SYLVESTER (5 of 5)
File 41 - RICHARDSON, SYLVESTER - Original documents
File 42 - SAGUACHE
File 43 - SALIDA
File 44 - SAN JUAN
File 45 - SCHOOLS (1 of 4)
File 46 - SCHOOLS (2 of 4)
File 47 - SCHOOLS (3 of 4)
File 48 - SCHOOLS (4 of 4)
Clippings - Reprints from Gunnison News Champion |
“Gunnison County Picnic In Denver Sunday Was Big Social Outing.” June 15, 1939. (two copies) |
“Death of Fred Van Akens Removes Prominent Figure.” November 23, 1939. |
“Gunnison County Folks In California Hold Combined Picnic.” November 23, 1939. (two copies) |
“Second Annual Pioneers’ Dinner Was Gala Event.” July 18, 1940. |
“Annual California Picnic of Gunnison for 1940.” September 19, 1940. |
“Meeting Friends of Youth In Sunny California.” December 26, 1940. |
“His Ninety Years Have Been Filled With Exciting And Memorable Events [Winfield Henderson].” January 16, 1941. |
“Another Pioneer Passes Away [Mrs. S. C. Fisher].” January 23, 1941. |
“Mrs. J. J. Carpenter Dies in Denver.” January 23, 1941. |
Lake, Rail. “Pays 54th Subscription to News-Champion--.” February 20, 1941. |
“Gunnison County Picnic’ Held In Denver Sunday.” June 19, 1941. (two copies) |
“Pioneer Banquet Of 1941 Brought Many Thrills.” July 17, 1941. (two copies) |
“William A. Eckbert, Resident Of Pitkin, Colorado, For Forty Years.” August 28, 1941. |
“Annual Gunnison County Picnic Held in Long Beach Calif. Nov. 9.” November 20, 1941. (2 copies) |
“Death of John A. Steele Saddens Community.” February 26, 1942. |
“Funeral Services Held for Mrs. Cora Steward.” May 21, 1942. |
“Dean of Western Colorado Writers Pens ‘Thirty’.” [J. E. Phillips Dies]. March 25, 1943. |
“C. T. Stevens Sells ‘76’ Ranch Ro C. A. Switzer.” January 20, 1944. |
Borland, Lois. “David Wood, the Great Freighter, Died Thursday at the Age of 93.” March 16, 1944. |
“E. M. Collins, Long Time Resident, Dies this Morning.” June 22, 1944. |
“First Pioneer Day Observed In 1906.” July 13, 1944. |
“Mrs. Cary A. Partch, Ohio Creek Pioneer, Dies Here Wednesday.” August 17, 1944. |
“End of Trail for Pioneer Woman, Mrs. Susan Flick.” October 19, 1944. |
“Mrs. Maty Van Aken, Long-Time Resident, Is Laid to Rest.” March 22, 1945. |
“Mrs. Sadie Nichols Dies Tuesday.” July 26, 1945. |
“Sixth Annual Gunnison County Picnic Held At Long Beach Nov. 13.” (two copies) |
Various photos, negatives, and other assorted images from western slope
Clippings: |
“Pitkin-A Glorious Fourth Appropriately Celebrated.” The Gunnison Review. July 7, 1882. |
Williams, Stella. [no title]. The Gunnison News-Champion. November 17, 1938. (typed copy). |
Wallace, Betty. “Ned Williams’ Folks Were Pillars of Early-Day Pitkin.” January 6, 1949. |
Clippings - Reprints of News-Champion Articles: |
Bondurant, Mrs. E. E. “His Ninety Years Have been filled with Exciting and Memorable Events [Winfield Henderson].” January 16, 1941. |
Bondurant, Grace. “William A. Eckbert, Resident Of Pitkin, Colorado, for Forty years.” August 28, 1941. |
Correspondence: |
Invitation to “The Sixty-Fourth Anniversary Ball.” |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Ingham’s Digging Gold Among the Rockies. Typed manuscript. |
Various Notes. |
Clippings: |
Boomerang! Letter by Mullin- Dunham & Co. May 20, 1881. |
Miscellaneous: |
Card. G. N. Moses, Geo. Yule, Theo. Thomas, Ed. Hoel, J. F. Spencer, T. C. Russell, E. A. O’Geran. [1880 or 1881]. |
Tabor House Reopening Banquet and Ball. July 4, 1884. |
Gunnison Commandery. 1885. |
Republican City Ticket. North Dakota |
Posters: |
“Coal Yard-Richardson Coal.” 1881. |
“Dillon’s Varieties! Johnny Murphy tonight.” 1881. |
“Ladies’ Bazar – Mrs. J. W. Rogers.” 1881. |
“Ladies Furnishing Goods!” 1881. |
“Scales in East Gunnison.” 1881. |
“Dillon’s Varieties.” June 11, 1881. |
“Mountaineer Restaurant.” November 3, 1881. |
“Dance Hall.” November 12, 1881. |
“BARGAINS! Spencer & Roblee.” December 5, 1881. |
“$8.00 per ton Delivered.” 1881-82. |
“Briggs & Soward – Sample Room.” 1881-1883. |
“Republican Mass Meeting.” March 31, 1882. |
“Billy Walters’ KENO at Kissee’s Saloon” 1882-83. |
“SLUSH!” 1882-89. |
“Grand Re-Opening Atlantic Garden.” March 11, 1883. |
“Dillon’s Varieties!” |
Miscellaneous: |
Citizens Ticket. 1881-83. |
Democratic Ticket. 1883-84. |
Posters: |
“Garfield & Arthur Club Inaugural (Sic.) Meeting in Levi’s Tent.” August 14, 1880. |
"Oyster Supper at the M. E. Church.” October 14, 1880. |
“BARGAINS, G. W. Steele.” 1881. |
“COAL YARD.” 1881. |
“Dance Hall at Fat Jack’s.” September 28, 1881. |
“Sale of Ladies Furnishing Goods, Mrs. J. W. Swaney.” 1881. |
“MUSH & MILK Supper in the M.E. Church.” 1881-82. |
“Dillon’s Varieties! Miss Jennie Engle and Fred. Roberts.” 1882. |
“FURNITURE and Undertaking.” 1882. |
“Mrs. Crawford at City Hall, Main St. – Episcopal Church.” 1882. |
“NOTICE! Meeting of the Citizens.” May 30, 1882. |
“Dawson’s Emporium Now Open.” 1882-83. |
“Dillon’s Theater! Full Blast.” 1882-83. |
“The People Against the RAILWAYS!” 1882-83. |
“Dillon’s Varieties! Grand Gala Night.” |
“Ladies’ Bazar, Mrs. J. W. Rogers.” |
Posters: |
“Garfield & Arthur Club Inaugural (Sic.) Meeting in Levi’s Tent.” August 14, 1880. |
“MASSACRED – Bargains.” August 15, 1880. |
“The Log Cabin Store.” December 20, 1880. |
“Mullin House.” 1881. |
“Sabbath School – Baptist Church.” 1881. |
“Scales in East Gunnison.” 1881. |
“Stalwart Republican RALLY!” 1881. |
“Workingmen Attention – J. W. Buckley discharged for Supporting Republican Ticket.” 1881. |
“CONCERT.” February 25, 1881. |
“Social Dance – West Gunnison Beer Hall.” May 18, 1881. |
“Grand Ball – Christmas Eve.” December 24, 1881. |
“Grand Opening! Liquor House.” 1881-1883. |
“Dillon’s Varieties! Miss Lula Dillon.” 1882. |
“Dillon’s Varieties, H. M. S. PINAFORE.” 1882-83. |
“Grand Re-Opening Atlantic Garden.” March 11, 1883. |
“Grand Re-Opening Atlantic Garden.” March 11, 1883. |
“Grand Masquerade Ball – Fat Jack’s.” October 15, 1883. |
“Cascasweet, DeWitt’s Headache Tablets on back.” |
“Dillon’s Varieties! Grand Gala Night.” |
Posters |
“Dawson’s Emporium now open.” 1881-82. |
“If I had a Donkey, Methodist Church.” 1882. |
“Grand Rally! Democratic Ratification Meeting.” |
“Stop Thief!” [Railroad political poster]. |
Photocopies of various posters. |
Clippings - Reprint from Gunnison News Champion |
Phillips, J. E. “Indignant Protests Against Ute Indian Withdrawals When Utes Gone these 50 Years.” May 12, 1937. |
“Traveling with Editors Root and Olney 63 Years Ago.” July 19, 1945. [original June 27, 1882]. |
Adams, Clarence. “Clarence Adams, Former Engineer On Famous South Park Railroad, Relates Experiences On C & S Narrow Gauge From Gunnison.” |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Garfield in Ashes. handwritten note. September 26, 1883. |
Location of Towns now non-existent. handwritten note. 1950. |
Narrow Gauge R.R. handwritten note. |
Borland, Lois. The Narrow Gauge County Protests. typed manuscript. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Typed manuscript p.3-46. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Typed manuscript p.47-84. |
Clippings - Reprint from Gunnison News Champion |
Richardson, S. “History of Exploration and Settlement of Gunnison Valleys in Decades Previous to 1880.” Gunnison Review. May 15, 1880. |
McCanne, D. J. “Another Chapter of Early-Day Gunnison Industries and Men.” May 12, 1938. |
Root, George. “Geo. A. Root’s Absorbing Story of Early-Day Gunnison.” July 14, 1938. |
Casey, Pearle. “Romantic History of Gunnison County As Told by Pearle R. Casey In 1938 Colorado Who’s Who.” July 20, 1939. |
McCanne, D. J.“D. J. McCanne Tells How He Came to Build the Gunnison Town Ditch.” July 27, 1939. |
“Gunnison Has In 1883.” November 30, 1939. |
Phillips, J. E. “Gunnison—Then and Now As Described by Veteran Newspaper Man of 80’s.” 1942. |
Borland, Lois. “Pioneer Book by Ingham Tells Early History of Gunnison.” Spring 1942. |
Freeman, Margaret. “Three First Sheriffs of Gunnison County.” September 3, 1942. |
Borland, Lois. “Gunnison in the Lurid 80’s: an Article by Dr. Lois Borland.” August 12, 1943. |
McCanne, D. J. “McCanne Saw Body of Penny who Was Shot in Saloon Brawl.” |
McCanne, D. J. “McCanne Writes About Smelter Failures.” |
McCanne, D. J. “McCanne Writes Historical Series for News-Champion About Early Days in Gunnison Vicinity.” |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Handwritten notes about early Gunnison. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Richardson, Sylvester. “History Gunnison County: History of its Settlement and Development.” typed manuscript. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Richardson, Sylvester. “History Gunnison County: History of its Settlement and Development.” typed manuscript. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Richardson, S. “Across the Plains Twenty Years Ago.” typed manuscript. [published in Gunnison Review July 24, 1880]. (seven pages-two copies) |
“The Gold Rush.” typed manuscript. (fifteen pages) |
“An Old Man Sees Visions.” typed manuscript. (fourteen pages) |
Clippings: |
“Richardson Tells of Explorations In Gunnison Valley During the Summer of 1873, Gold, Coal Found.”Gunnison News-Champion. March 21, 1935. |
“Funeral for Mrs. Breen, August 28, 1955.” |
Correspondence: |
Warren, Luella to Lois Borland. March 9, 1954. Re: Sylvester Richardson. |
Recorder of Moab, Utah to Lois Borland. January 31, 1957. Re: S. Richardson homestead. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Various notes about Richardson and relatives. |
Miscellaneous: |
Release of Deed of Trust for S. Richardson in Arapahoe County, Colorado, 1872. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Handwritten page. |
Borland, Lois. Handwritten notes on Richardson. |
Clippings: |
Moore, Courtney. “ ‘Do Dreams Come True?’ Is Question asked by Old Prospector [Story and Obit about S.T Ashley.] Saguache Crescent. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Hand written note on Saguache. (one page) |
Clippings - Reprints from Gunnison News Champion |
“Over the Trails of Yesterday.” [Salida in Early Eighties]. December 5, 1940 |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“The Sunny San Juan.” typed manuscript. (twelve pages) |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Handwritten notes on early Gunnison schools. |
Pine Street School. yyped manuscript. |
Clippings: |
“Public Schools of Gunnison County in 1900.” Industrial Edition of News. |
“Two Large Brick Structures under Process of Construction.” Gunnison Daily Review. August 18, 1882. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Early Schools of Gunnison, 1976—1900.” typed manuscript. |
Public Schools of Gunnison County in 1900. typed manuscript. |
“Pine Street School.” typed manuscript. (several copies) |
“School Year 1890-1891.” typed manuscript. |
“Two School Buildings Completed.” typed manuscript. |
Clippings: |
Nolte, M. C. “Early Day School Boards Had Their Troubles Too, Historic Minutes Recalled.” Gunnison Courier. June 20, 1954. |
“Gunnison Students Move into Primary School.” Denver Post. February 20, 1955. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Handwritten notes on early Gunnison schools. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“1880 Toll Roads.” handwritten notes. |
“Gunnison Schools.” handwritten notes. |
“Gunnison Schools.” typed notes. |
“Superintendents for the Decade.” handwritten list. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Handwritten Notes on Spring Creek City. |
List of stockholders of the Gunnison Fair Association.
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