Lois Borland Collection: Series 1, Box 2, Files 51-73
File 53 - TIN CUP (1 of 2)
File 54 - TIN CUP (2 of 2)
File 55 - TOMICHI
File 56 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE (1 of 6)
File 57 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE (2 of 6)
File 58 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE (3 of 6)
File 59 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE (4 of 6)
File 60 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE (5 of 6)
File 61 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE (6 of 6)
File 62 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE – Newsletters
File 63 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE – Newspaper Articles
File 64 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE – Programs (1 of 2)
File 65 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE – Programs (2 of 2)
File 66 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE – Top O’ the World (1 of 2)
File 67 - WESTERN STATE COLLEGE – Top O’ the World (2 of 2)
File 68 - WHITE PINE
File 69 - UTE INDIANS (1 of 5)
File 70 - UTE INDIANS (2 of 5)
File 71 - UTE INDIANS (3 of 5)
File 72 - UTE INDIANS (4 of 5)
File 73 - UTE INDIANS (5 of 5)
Clipping - Reprint of NEWS-CHAMPION ARTICLES: |
Phillips, J. E. “J.E. Phillips Tells of Days when Sylvanite Was Town of 5000.” |
Various tax receipts of J. H. Curtis.
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“So the People May Know.” typed manuscript. |
“Source.” typed manuscript. [sources on Tin Cup information]. |
“Tin Cup.” typed manuscript. (forty-two pages) |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Typed manuscript. (fifteen pages) |
Typed manuscript. (forty pages) |
Clippings: |
“Tomichi.” June 16, 1881. |
“First Settlers in Tomichi.” Gunnison Daily Review. July 18, 1882. |
“Tales of the Old West.” [attributed to] Gunnison Tribune. March 10, 1899. Re: snow slide that ended Tomichi. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Tomichi City.” typed manuscript. White Pine Journal. April 19, 1881. (nine pages) |
Borland, Lois. Handwritten notes on Tomichi. |
Pictures: |
Seventeen pictures of Western State College students and buildings. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Historical Data.” 1885 through 1935. |
Spicer, Lucy. “Early Days of Western State College.” 1924-1925. |
“History of Western State College.” typed manuscript. |
Typed manuscript. (four pages) |
Various notes. Western State College. |
Bulletins of Colorado State Normal School: |
June 9, 1919. Volume 7, Number 17. (2 copies) |
July 9, 1919. Volume 7, Number 17. |
November 29, 1919. Volume 7, Number 26. |
December 21, 1919. Volume 9, Number 7. |
January 15, 1920. Volume 9, Number 8. (five copies) |
February 16, 1920. Volume 9, Number 10. |
March 15, 1920. Volume 9, Number 12. |
April 15, 1920. Volume 9, Number 14. (two copies) |
May 5, 19120. Volume 9, Number 15. |
June 10, 1929. Volume 9, Number 17. (two copies) |
Booklets: |
TIMBERLINES. Literary Publication of Western State College. March 1952. |
Clippings: |
Adams, C.E. “Historical Sketch (of WSC).” Mimeograph manuscript. Annual Catalog of Gunnison Normal School in 1914. (8 page) |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“Historical Sketch (of WSC).” June 1941. [additional cover letter from Charles Adams to Lois Borland. June 21, 1940]. |
Typed manuscript. (ten page) |
Clippings: |
“Dr. Peter Mickelson Is Named President of Western State.” Gunnison News-Champion. November 21, 1946. |
“New College Dean.” Gunnison News-Champion. February 27, 1947. |
“Western State to Install New President May 14.” Pueblo Star-Journal. April 20, 1947. |
“Details of Inauguration for Pres. Complete.” May 1, 1947. |
“Mickelson Outlines Goals for Development of Western State in Inauguration Address.” The Gunnison News-Champion. May 15, 1947. |
“Dr. Mickelson Installed as Sixth WSC President In Ceremony Last Week.” Top O’ the World. May 29, 1947. |
“Interesting People, Peter Mickelson.” June 12, 1947. |
“Denver Post Editor Presented with Ten Beautiful Trout.” The Gunnison News-Champion. June 13, 1948. |
“Over 300 attend Faculty Reception Honoring President and Mrs. Mickelson.” Gunnison News-Champion. April 11, 1949. |
“Man of the Year.” Gunnison Courier. December 28, 1950. |
“Music Camp an Outgrowth of Young Man’s Memories.” August 4, 1958. |
“Mickelson Resigns as WSC Prexy to Teach at Hawaii U.” December 11, 1959. |
“Pres. Mickelson Resigns.” Western State College. December 11, 1959. |
“Thirteen Years of Accomplishment.” December 11, 1959. |
Baker, Fred. “Western State College Wants 42 More Acres.” Denver Post. |
“Inauguration of President Michelson Set for 14; Plans Under Way.” |
Mickelson, Peter. [newspaper picture.] |
“Pres. Mickelson’s Father Dies Monday.” |
“Prexy Will be hard to Replace.” |
Miscellaneous: |
“Program for Inauguration of the President.” 1947. |
Inauguration Program. Invitation. |
Booklets: |
“A History of the World’s Largest Emblem Western State College’s W.” Sam Rhoads-Vet’s Club. May 6, 1961. (two copies) |
Correspondence: |
Carroll, S. D. - County Superintendent of Schools to Members of School Boards. April 10, 1886. Re: adoption of uniform school books. |
Leddy, M. A. - State Treasurer to S. P. Spencer. June 6, 1913. Re: $50,000 appropriations for Gunnison Normal School. |
Statler, George - Cashier City Nation Bank, Greeley to Mr. S. P. Spencer. June 18, 1913. |
Statler, George - Treasurer City Nation Bank, Greeley to First National Bank. June 17, 1913. |
Downey, Annie County Treasurer. July 1, 1913. |
Quigley, S.- President Western State to English Faculty. January 13, 1923. Re: college composition course. |
Miscellaneous: |
Blank Receipt by Gunnison County Treasurer. July, 1913. (two copies) |
Receipt for certificates of indebtedness of the Gunnison Normal School. July 1, 1913. |
Complaints and Charges Against J. C. J. |
Colorado Sate Normal School News Letters; |
February 26, 1914. Volume 1, Number 1. (two copies) |
February 26, 1914. Volume 1, Number 2. (two copies) |
March 12, 1914. Volume 1, Number 3. (two copies) |
March 31, 1914. Volume 1, Number 4. (two copies) |
April 18, 1914. Volume 1, Number 5. (three copies) |
May 2, 1914. Volume 1, Number 6. |
May 15, 1914. Volume 1, Number 7. |
May 20, 1914. Volume 1, Number 8. |
May 30, 1914. Volume 1, Number 9. |
June 10, 1914. Volume 1, Number 10. |
Aug. 6, 1914. Volume 1, Number 11. |
Aug. 14,1914. Volume 1, Number 12. |
May 15, 1918. Volume 5, Number 13. |
June 5, 1918. Volume 5, Number 14. |
March 1, 1920. Volume 9, Number 11. |
Western State Advisor. June 23, 1958. Volume 1, Number 3. |
Clippings: |
Rogers, Virgil M. “Quigley Life Will Stand Immortal.” Gunnison News-Champion. January 9, 1947. |
“Mass Meeting on School Bond Election Called for July 31.” 1948. |
“Class of 1898 Gunnison High School Relives the Memories of 50 Years Ago.” Gunnison News-Champion. June 3, 1948. |
“Member of Class of Fifty Years Writes Letter to Members Here.” June 17, 1948. |
“High School Lays Plans for $460,000 Modern Building.” Gunnison News-Champion. June 24, 1948. |
“Election for $460,000 High School Bonds Set for Tuesday , August 3.” July 15, 1948. |
Borland, Lois. “Gunnison County High School was Established 44 Years Ago in 1904.” Gunnison News-Champion. July 15, 1948. |
Lake, Rial R. “College Shows Tremendous Progress.” Gunnison Courier. January 14, 1954. |
Hawkins, Kathryn. “The Music Camp an Educational Institution.” Gunnison Courier. August 5, 1956. |
“Wiik Says This is Building Year for Mountaineer Skiers.” November 20, 1957. |
“WSC’s Coach Pederson Began Career As Captain of 3rd Grade Team.” |
“WSC Noses Out Denver for Title.” |
Miscellaneous: |
Picture. Taylor Hall. |
Postcard. “‘W’ Mountain.” Western State College. August 1, 1951. |
“Course of Study, Rules and Regulations.” Gunnison Public Schools.1883. |
Easterly, L.H. Envelope. April 12, 1888. |
Vidal, Annette. “Graduation Invitation.” May 25, 1906. Gunnison Public Schools. |
“Commencement Invitation.” Colorado State Normal School and Gunnison County High School. June 5, 1921. |
“Baccalaureate Services.” Colorado State Normal School. June 4, 1922. |
“Commencement Exercises.” Colorado State Normal School. June 5, 1922. |
“Commencement Exercises.” Gunnison County High School. June 8, 1922. |
“Baccalaureate Services.” Western State College of Colorado and Gunnison County High School. June 1, 1924. |
“Commencement Concert.” Western State College. June 5, 1924. |
“Baccalaureate Services.” Western State College and Gunnison County High School. June 5, 1927. |
“Commencement Exercises.” Western State College. August 22, 1924. |
“Souvenir Speech and Drama Booklet.” Western State College. [1951]. |
“Golden Anniversary Convocation.” Western State College. August 1, 1951. |
“Dedication Program.” Western State College. December 15, 1951. |
“Antigone.” Western State College. July 25, 1957. |
“The Little Foxes.” Western State College. November 1, 1957. |
“Band Concert.” Western State College. August 14, 1958. |
“Dedication, The New Leslie J. Savage Library.” Western State College. October 10, 1964. |
“Nadine Shepardson Lecture-Recitals.” |
Walker, Mabel Claire. Envelope with place card. |
“Closing Exercises.” Gunnison Public Schools. June 11, 1885. |
“Meeting of Teachers and School Officers.” Gunnison County High School. April 15, 1887. |
“Alumni Breakfast.” Western State College. June 4, 1925. |
“Inauguration of the President [Peter Palmer Mickelson].” Western State College. May 14, 1947. (two copies) |
“Commencement Exercises.” Gunnison County High School. June 9, 1927. |
November 23, 1921. Volume 1, Number 1. |
December 7, 1921. Volume 1, Number 2. |
January 18, 1922. Volume 1, Number 4. ( 2 copies) |
February 15, 1922. Volume 1, Number 6. |
March 1, 1922. Volume 1, Number 7. |
March 29, 1922. Volume 1, Number 8. (2 copies) |
April 19, 1922. Volume 1, Number 9. (2 copies) |
May 10, 1922. Volume 1, Number 10. |
May 24, 1922. Volume 1, Number 11. |
June 12, 1922. Volume 1, Number 12. (4 copies) |
July 6, 1922. Volume 1, Number 13. (3 copies) |
May 6, 1967. Volume 21, Number 22. |
Clippings: |
White Pine Cone. December 13, 1889. |
Root, George. “Beginning of White Pine and Early Days Mining Camps on the Upper Tomichi Section.” The Gunnison News-Champion. July 11, 1935. [several articles, not a complete set]. |
“Wheels will Begin Humming Dec. 10 in this new $150,000 Mill at White Pine.” Gunnison News-Champion. December 4, 1947. |
Lake Rial. “Whitepine Getting Set For A Long Period of Prosperity.” The Gunnison News-Champion. December 4, 1947. |
“Whitepine’s Only Resident, Monk Tyson.” Denver Post. September 14, 1958. |
Clippings - Reprints of News-CHAMPION ARTICLES: |
“Akron Mine at Whitepine shows Steady Increasing Output.” May 4, 1944. |
Correspondence: |
Irwin, George to Frank. April 1, 1883. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
“White Pine and Its Mines.” typed manuscript. [additional references from newspapers]. |
Clippings: |
“Queen Chipeta to Join Husband Old Ouray, in Happy Hunting Ground.” The Great Divide. August 27, 1924. |
Fairbanks, Lee. “Reminiscences of Los Pinos Ute Indian Agency in the Seventies.” Gunnison Republican. June 1, 1935. |
Fairbanks, Lee. “Reminiscences of Los Pinos Ute Indian Agency in the Seventies.” Gunnison Republican. June 20, 1935. |
“Chipeta Great Heroine of the Colorado Utes.” Pony Express Courier. April, 1944. |
“Famous Indians Whose Names Adorn Mountains.” The Salida Daily Mail. April 27, 1948. |
Borland, Lois. “Big Divide’ Has Much Folklore.” Gunnison News-Champion. December 2, 1948. |
Brown, Sandy and Barbara. “Battle of Beecher Island,” Sunday Denver Post. September 25, 1955. |
“Thirty-Seven Years Since the Death of Ouray.” [the Ute Chief, and other articles on Ouray]. |
Correspondence: |
Morrison, John -State Historical Society of Colorado to Lois Borland. May 17, 1956. Re: manuscripts about White River and Ouray Utes. |
Magazines: |
Utah Historical Quarterly. January 1931. |
Utah Historical Quarterly. July 1933. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Typed notes on history of Gunnison. 1956. (twelve pages) |
Booklets: |
Ute Indian Museum. Montrose. |
Clippings: |
Hafen, Ann. “Campfire Frontier – Ute Susan, the Unquenchable Captive.” Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine, October 27, 1946. |
“Attorney for Ute Indians Gives History of Land Formerly Held by Tribes.” August 28, 1947. Meeker Herald. |
“Ute Indian Museum to be Dedicated Near Montrose.” July 11, 1956. |
“Ute Museum Dedication Sunday.” Denver Post. July 14, 1956. “Grand Junction Center of Activity In Litigation Involving 4 Million Acres.” |
Correspondence: |
Tilden, Mrs. Anita- Librarian U. S. Department of Interior to Lois Borland. August 5, 1949. Re: Los Pinos Agency. |
Wilkinson, Ernest L. - Law Offices to Robert Rockwell. Re: Confederated Bands of Ute Indians v. United States, Claims No. 2 – No. 45585 and 45783. [additional attachments]. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Borland, Lois. Gunnison and the Uncompahgre Agency. typed manuscript. (eight pages) |
Borland, Lois. Los Pinos Agency. typed manuscript. (ten pages) |
Borland, Lois. Uncompahgre Agency. Handwritten and typed manuscripts. (seven pages) |
Borland, Lois. Utes. typed manuscript. (three pages). |
Handwritten notes on Governor Evans and the Utes. (five pages) |
Clippings - Reprints of NEWS-CHAMPION ARTICLES: |
“A Visit To the Los Pinos Indian Agency in 1874.” [Extracted from Diary of W. H. Jackson]. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Borland, Lois. handwritten notes. (three pages) |
Borland, Lois. “Treaties.” [notes on Ute Treaties]. (thirteen pages) |
Borland, Lois. “The Utes Must Go.” Manuscript. (fourteen pages) |
Clippings - Reprints of NEWS-CHAMPION ARTICLES: |
Fairbanks, Lee. “Reminiscences of Los Pinos Ute Indian Agency in Seventies.” June 13 through July 18, 1935. |
Manuscripts and Notes: |
Borland, Lois. “The Summer Hunting Ground of the Utes.” typed manuscript. (sixteen pages) |
Typed and handwritten notes on “Ute Suit for Lands.” [including UTE from Handbook of American Indians North.] (five pages) |
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