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Leslie J. Savage Library

Lois Borland Collection: Box 1 Files 51-65


Lois Borland Collection: Series 1, Box 1, Files 51-65

Box 1, Files 51-65: Contents

File 51 - IRWIN (3 of 4)
File 52 - IRWIN (4 of 4)
File 53 - LAKE CITY (1 of 2)
File 54 - LAKE CITY (2 of 2)
File 59 - MARBLE (1 of 2)
File 60 - MARBLE (2 of 2)
File 61 - MINING
File 62 - MISCELLANEOUS (1 of 9)
File 63 - MISCELLANEOUS (2 of 9)
File 64 - MISCELLANEOUS (3 of 9)
File 65 - MISCELLANEOUS (4 of 9)

File 51 - IRWIN (3 of 4)

Clippings - Reprints of News-Champion Articles:
Phillips, J. E. “Vivid Story of Early Days in Irwin Told by J. E. Phillips, Former Resident This Locality.” January 28, 1935. (two copies)
“Irwin, winter 1881 and ’82.” picture. March 7, 1935.
Phillips, J. E. “Indignant Protests Against Ute Indian Withdrawals When Utes Gone these 50 Years.” Letter. May 12, 1937.
Phillips, J. E. “When Irwin Was Mining Center of the Elk Mountains in Early Eighties.” July 17, 1941.
Phillips, J. E. “Looking Backward Over 58 Years of Gunnison County History - Stories of Early Days In and Around Irwin.” May 28, 1942. (two copies)
“Mrs. Lucy Myers, Pioneer of Irwin and Gunnison, Dies Feb 21, 1946.” February 28, 1946.
Manuscripts and notes:
“Forest Queen.” handwritten manuscript. (one page)
“General Grant’s Visit to Ruby.” handwritten manuscript. (one page)
“Irwin.” manuscript. (four pages)
“Snowed In.” typed manuscript. (thirteen pages)

File 52 - IRWIN (4 of 4)

Clippings: Articles:
[Copies of 33 newspaper articles on Irwin].
[Handwritten copies of early newspaper articles on Kings Ranch, and other areas near Irwin].
Manuscripts and Notes:
“Irwin…” typed manuscript. (eight pages)

File 53 - LAKE CITY (1 of 2)

The first Graduating class of public schools.” Lake City Times. May 12, 1898.
“Story of Our Mines.” [no paper name] Hinsdale County. January 22, 1910.
“The Robbery of the Golden Fleece - A True Story – By a Former Pinkerton Operative.” Silver World. December 3, 1931.
Lake, Henry F. “Lake city in Boom Days-Late Seventies.” April 29, 1943.
“Lake City Pioneer Dies this Morning.” (Mrs. Ida Soderholm) Gunnison County-Times. October 12, 1955.
Tyson, Monk. “Lake City Expects Expanded Tourist Trade.” The Denver Post. September 14, 1958.
Clippings - Reprints of News-Champion Articles:
Lake, Henry. “Lake City In Boom Days Of Late Seventies.” April 29, 1943,
Stiefel, A. C. “How County of Hinsdale Got Name During Early 70’s.” June 10, 1943.
Manuscripts and Notes:
Handwritten notes on Lake City. (twenty-four pages)
“Saguache the Mother of Lake City.” handwritten manuscript.

File 54 - LAKE CITY (2 of 2)

“Lake City Presbyterian Church- June 18, 1876.” Booklet.
“Lake City Presbyterian Church- November 19, 1876.” Booklet.
Colwell, Ray. “Lake City.” The Brand Book. March, 1950.


Queal, Cal. “Leadville to Offer Research Library.” The Denver Post. 1956.
“The Leadville Ice Palace of 1896.” Colorado Magazine.


[Blank bills, advertisements, statements, and other papers for businesses in Gunnison during 1880 to 1882].


Clippings - Reprints of News-Champion Articles:
“Early Day Attorneys In Gunnison County.” April 16, 1936.
“Friends Pay Final Tribute to Judge Clyde Welch Saturday.” May 22, 1941.
“W. H. Whalen Commissioner of Third District for 28 Years, Died Monday Noon This Week.” April 27, 1944.
“Mayors and Trustees of Gunnison Listed for the 64 Years Since Town was Incorporated in ’80.” October 12, 1944.
Manuscripts and Notes:
Aude, Dorothy. typed list of local officials. (twenty four pages)
“From the Industrial Edition of the Gunnison News” [list of early local officials].


“Origin of Geographical Names in this Section.” Steamboat Springs Pilot. July 1, 1932.
Manuscripts and Notes:
[Various notes on the names of places in Gunnison County and western Colorado].

File 59 - MARBLE (1 of 2)

Foote, Alvin. “Men and Marble.” Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine. August 13, 1950.
“Town of Marble and Quarry Is Bought by Firm.” Gunnison News-Champion. October 1, 1953.
“His Cabin Still Stands.” Denver Post. August 22, 1955.
Queal, Cal. “Marble Quarry Operates Again.” The Denver Post. August 1956.
Clippings - Reprints of News-Champion Articles:
Phillips, J. E. “Marble Shut Down Is Tragedy Says Early Day Editor.” October 30, 1941. (two copies)
McWilliams, C. C. “Marble will Live Again.” November 13, 1941. (two copies)
“Million-Dollar Refining Plant Ready for Operation at Marble.” December 29, 1959.
Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine. August 20, 1950. [complete].

File 60 - MARBLE (2 of 2)

Manuscripts and Notes:
Foote, Alvin. “Men and Marble.” typed manuscript. (twelve pages)
“1915 was a Banner year in Marble.” typed manuscript. (twelve pages)
Various handwritten notes on Marble.

File 61 - MINING

“Reported Sale of Vulcan Mines.” Denver Republican. April 24, 1899.
“Kansas City Star Publishes Success Story of Thornburg Brothers’ Mines.”
“Lapis Lazuli Found in Gunnison County Equals That Found Anywhere.”
Clippings - Reprints of News-Champion Articles:
Phillips, J. E. “Early Day Mining Men of Gunnison Region, Successful in California.” June 8, 1939.
Freeman, Margaret. “Story of Early Day Smelters In Gunnison.” Top O’ The World. November 7, 1939. [reprint].
Manuscripts and Notes:
“Anderson’s Lapis Lazuli Mine.” March 7, 1944. (one page)
“Gunnison Mining.” typed manuscript. (p.3-11)

File 62 - MISCELLANEOUS (1 of 9)

“The San Juan Area.” Rocky Mountain EMPIRE MAGAZINE. June 11, 1950.
Lavender, David. “Adobe Empire.” Denver Post EMPIRE MAGAZINE.
“Rough Map of Paonia Project.”
Clippings - Reprints of News-Champion Articles:
“Famous Shootin’ Irons Shown to Rotarians.” February 23, 1939.
“William Jackson.” [incomplete article].
Dildince, W. B. to Gunnison Post Master. July 3, 1882. Re: John Sullivan killed in Gunnison.
To GUNNISON REVIEW-Frank Root. May 13, 1883. Re. wedding announcement.
Bean, A. J. and others to Frank Root. February 22, 1884. Re: invitation to Grand Odd Fellow Ball.
McMechen, Edgar - State Historical Society to Lois Borland. January 24, 1951. Re: Funding for State Historical Society.
Manuscripts and Notes:
“Ditch Location Statement.” [blank form, circa 1890’s].
“Bibliography.” (two pages)
“Newspapers in Kansas Historical Library.” (one page)
“Ohio Creek.” [typed copy of newspaper article].
“The First Military Post on Colorado Soil.” [note on Fort Massachusetts].
“Walsh-Yard.” [page two, of typed manuscript ].
Various notes.
Judge Edward Colborn. “Case Dismissed.” State of Colorado. January 22, 1886.
Print of Black Hawk Point.

File 63 - MISCELLANEOUS (2 of 9)

“Petrified Bones of Prehistoric Monsters Unearthed By Grand Junction Excavators Who Find 2 Complete Dinosaur Vertebra.” Daily Sentinel. October 12, 1936.
“Buena Vista-Taylor Over Cottonwood Pass.” May 23, 1954.
“1955 Report Shows Mineral Output in County at $867,485.” Gunnison Courier. August 12, 1956.
Leonard, J. Joseph. “No Return.” The Denver Post-Empire Magazine.
“Pioneers Parade Traces 53 Years Gunnison History.” Gunnison News Champion.
“Rail Telegrapher, Homesteader, Governor, Senator.” The Denver Post. [Article about Ed C. Johnson]
Telegram to Fred Borland. March 26, 1921.
Telegram to Fred Borland. March 27, 1921.
Borland, Lois to Earl Kelley. April 9, 1944. Re: 11th Kansas Cav.
Mortensen, A. R. - Utah State Historical Society to Lois Borland. April 9, 1953. Re: pictures of Gunnison Monument.
Borland, Lois to Argosy Book Store. March 12, 1954. Re: Purchase of Ft. Massachusetts Color lithograph.
Borland, Lois to Kansas State Historical Society. March 29, 1954. Re: Gunnison newspapers at Topeka.
Glen to Lois Borland.
Manuscripts and Notes:
Various notes.

File 64 - MISCELLANEOUS (3 of 9)

“Establishing Election Precincts.” [map].
Tyson, Monk. “Bridging the Gunnison.” The Denver Post. July 16, 1962.
Tyson, Monk. “The Western Slope Story.” The Sunday Denver Post. June 5, 1960.
“Classics of Contemporary Literature-Biography.” The University of Chicago.
“Gunnison Gas Works – summary of Reports.” [blank form]. (two copies)
Invitation to 1929 University of Chicago Convocation.
Pictures of James McMenamin.
Various unlabeled pictures.
Cornwell, H. C. “Experiences in the Gunnison Area of Colorado 1879-1880.”

File 65 - MISCELLANEOUS (4 of 9)

Gillaspey, W. to Lois Borland. July 7, 1954. Re: Cornwall manuscript.
Gillaspey, W. to Lois Borland. June 9, 1956. Re: Cornwall manuscript.
Poor, M. C. to Lois Borland. June 26, 1956. Re: permission to quote from book.
Post card. Carter Tunnel and Power Plant, Ohio City
The Colorado Magazine. September 1943.
Compliments of the Season. 1886.
Rotary International.1952-1953.
Gunnison / Crested Butte TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. Summer 1954.
“The 10 Year Story of Frontier Airlines.” 1955.

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